
Showing posts from September, 2018

Transportation Issues

Transportation Issues Our group, which was composed of three of us (Juan Camilo Torrente, Ramon Garcia, and myself), was assigned the topic of transportation in our area. This topic being so broad and general, we decided to narrow down on public transportation and traffic problems on highways and roads. Public transportation in Miami-Dade and even Florida in general is unsatisfactory to say the least, especially when compared to the public transportation in different cities around the world. Knowing this, we decided to show the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of our public transportation by showing how effective and useful public transportation was in two other cities of our choice. The first city we chose to use as a reference point was the city of Prague in the Czech Republic. The city of Prague in the CR is renowned for its hilly features, old historical bridges and castles, and its beautiful views of the river Vltava. Another thing the city is very commended for is i

The Future of Transportation.

The Future of Transportation. " The Simplest Solution to Traffic " video. In the presentation when we talk about transportation we discussed this topic about what was the simplest solution to solve the problem of traffic forever, based on the theory of this video that basically represents how with self driving cars we can drastically improve our mobility in cities , specifically in the largest. The basic idea is that to solve the problem, "monkeys" that are easily distracted and that their reaction times are not as fast as those of a machine are not as efficient as those of a machine and that's where the self driving cars come, as they have cameras and sensors, these cars can be connected as if they were train cars, so they can move all at the same time,so there will never be any kind of braking on the roads. Another thing that we did in the presentation was to take information about an article from the bbc that supports this idea of ​​con

Sample Post

This is a sample post to show the features Check out the MDC website for more info. via GIPHY