The Future of Transportation.

The Future of Transportation.

" The Simplest Solution to Traffic " video.

In the presentation when we talk about transportation we discussed this topic about what was the simplest solution to solve the problem of traffic forever, based on the theory of this video that basically represents how with self driving cars we can drastically improve our mobility in cities , specifically in the largest. The basic idea is that to solve the problem, "monkeys" that are easily distracted and that their reaction times are not as fast as those of a machine are not as efficient as those of a machine and that's where the self driving cars come, as they have cameras and sensors, these cars can be connected as if they were train cars, so they can move all at the same time,so there will never be any kind of braking on the roads.

Another thing that we did in the presentation was to take information about an article from the bbc that supports this idea of ​​connected self driving cars and that are the future of transportation. They take these two pictures for people who are skeptics and think that this theory can not be done or that they think it would be in 50 or more years. The first is in 1900 on Fifth Avenue in New York and the second is in the same place but 13 years later.

5th Avenue in New York in 1900

5th Avenue in New York in 1913

Now we are going to analyze in more detail the article mentioned above, which talks about how it is possible for all of us to transport in the near future.

A growing number of tech analysts are predicting that in less than 20 years we'll all have stopped owning cars, and, what's more, the internal combustion engine will have been consigned to the dustbin of history.

The main idea is very simple: Self-driving electric vehicles organised into an Uber style network will be able to offer such cheap transport that you'll very quickly (we're talking perhaps a decade) decide you don't need a car no more.

First of all, consider how Uber and other networked taxi companies have already changed the way we move around. In most major cities an Uber driver is usually just a couple of minutes away, and charges less than normal taxis, let's say $10.
The company's exponential growth is evidence of how powerful this business model is.
Now take out the driver. You've probably cut costs by at least 50%.

In addition to the reduced cost will have transportation with this idea there are other benefits, the first is that being electric cars, we will greatly reduced pollution in cities, we will not have to be as concerned as now about global warming and climate change . Last but not least, when this type of transportation is 100% approved, accidents will no longer exist, which is a big problem especially where we live, the number of deaths from car accidents is incredible and this would be exceptional for the security and welfare of us and our families.
