Transportation Issues

Transportation Issues

Our group, which was composed of three of us (Juan Camilo Torrente, Ramon Garcia, and myself), was assigned the topic of transportation in our area. This topic being so broad and general, we decided to narrow down on public transportation and traffic problems on highways and roads.

Public transportation in Miami-Dade and even Florida in general is unsatisfactory to say the least, especially when compared to the public transportation in different cities around the world. Knowing this, we decided to show the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of our public transportation by showing how effective and useful public transportation was in two other cities of our choice.

The first city we chose to use as a reference point was the city of Prague in the Czech Republic.

The city of Prague in the CR is renowned for its hilly features, old historical bridges and castles, and its beautiful views of the river Vltava. Another thing the city is very commended for is its impeccable public transportation.

This quality of transportation for the public are mainly attributed to the cheap reliability of all its modes of transportation. Some modes of transportation include: trams, metro, busses, Lime-scooters, and trains. All of the examples above are clean, efficient, and hybrid, thus resulting in cheaper costs. In Prague, the metros and busses can go everywhere around the city and beyond the city limits.

Even though the Lime-scooters are privately owned by a single company, they still contribute a fair amount of mobility around the city, especially due to the fact that they can be locked and left anywhere on a sidewalk when finishing a trip, making it a safe and reliably time saving method.

The metro (subway) is easily the fastest mode of transport inside the city as it takes a maximum of 4 to 5 minutes for it to go from station to station. this makes it even faster than the use of automobiles, which is the reason why most of the population in the city use it more often than they use their own vehicles.

We met on the 26th of September and we proceeded to discuss how we would divide ourselves based on the topics. We also started on our calendar and agenda which are due the 1st of October.

The 28th we convened at the Miami Dade College Hialeah campus library to figure out the finishing details about the division of the groups according to the topics so we can finish up both the calendar and agenda.

My whole group went to meet a librarian in the library of the Hialeah campus of Miami Dade College to learn how to use the online resources, more specifically the online library Miami Dade College provides. They had this half an hour study session on October 3rd.

On October 10th we got together in class and thoroughly discussed where and what we could do our service learning assignment. We went through and examined all our different options for the service learning, but did not pin down exactly what we will do.

October 19th, we worked on our presentation based on our topics and also worked on our study guide on the chapters assigned to us.
