mental health and homelessness

October 10:
I started my research on how homelessness affected mental health and vise versa. Although I did not put any into the slides I was trying to get more background information to expand my knowledge. I thought of different way were I can maybe interview people on mental health or it’s effects on daily life.

October 13: 
I continued my research on these topics and now correlating them to voting and how it affects voter outcome. It turns out that most homeless and mentally ill do not vote or even know who is running for office. Those that do usually vote democrat hopping for help for the poor.

October 16: 
I found the way which I was going to be able to see real peoples decisions on voting, I planned on going to my moms school as she teaches the ESE children to inform and survey their parents. I would go around during dismissal and ask the parents first if they were voting and after who were hey planning to vote for. This led to an outstanding amount of parents telling me that they were not planning on voting.

October 20:

I created a power point presentation and presented it to the children of my moms class to educate them on the importance of voting. If I can’t influence their parents maybe I can influence them to vote in the near future.

October 23:

I was able to implement my data into our PowerPoint and strengthen the knowledge of these two key factors in voting.

November 15:

After completing this project, I believe that many people learned a lot of useful things. The children learned that voting is pivotal in or society. We learned as a class that there is much more than just parties that affect voting influence. And finally hopefully the parents learned that sometimes educating yourself in politics will help your family economically. Politics is usually not an easy subject especially around those who struggle financially, these talks can often become very aggressive and may even lead to disputes. In reality we all want what is best for us and our family so we go for those opinions but not everyone has those needs. The best thing to do when having opposing view points is respect it and know that it would better their family. And while it may seem like the mentally ill or homeless have no place in voting because some thingns do not concern them, in reallity every issue affects them equally because one thing that gets funded is one more on the tax agenda cutting away at the already little amount they may get from welfare. So in the end, yes all voices matter no matter how small or how large.
